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Thursday, May 18, 2006

Can you see this chart?

Does the chart appear in this post on your browser? Respond in comments. Thanks.

LFC - 051706

edit - thanks for the comments. There is obviously a technical issue with Blogger. If you see a blank box or box with an X, click it and you should see a chart (or part of a chart). Hopefully the issue will be resolved soon.



Anonymous said...

No it doesn't. I'm using Safari.

Anonymous said...

No a square with a red X in the middle. I've seen this from time to time on other sites.
good luck,

Anonymous said...

X...the chart does not appear in my browser window. But, it will load when I klick on it.

Jeff said...


No, I can't see the chart, either. I was experiencing the same issue with blogger yesterday and had to delete and then re-paste an image about 10 times before it finally "took". So, I think you're right that Blogger is just having some general issues right now. Best of luck. Great blog!


Anonymous said...

fyi - blogger prob
