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> TRADEthemove.com - my thoughts
> meditationSHIFT (formerly "tad")- just say "om"

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Random things...

"Flags of our Fathers" was #3 this weekend! No doubt it would have been at the bottom of the "top-10" if Barry was not in it! I cannot wait to see it - also, HBO has a 15-minute "making of" running, and they used a piece of Barry's scene in it!

As we all know, Trader Mike is a busy guy. I used to get pissed when he didn't take my calls, but now I understand why:

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QQQBall said...

I give Flags a C+, but i was very disappointed. barry pepper doent het much creeen time either.

Michael said...

good one!