Interesting reading on Wall Street bonuses.
Rumor has it Trader Mike, Wall St. Warrior, and Estocastica contributed to the article "anonymously".
The Power of Persistence
6 days ago
Charts and more charts. Plus sporadic thoughts on the stock market, trading, politics, entertainment, sports, and everything else.
That just blows the mind.
What *am* I gonna do with all this ad money???
They go up in increments of $500K and $1M, I go up in increments of $10 and $20.
It's all about the Hamiltons baby.
Mike - glad you asked.
I say you use the $20M from ad money to build a new mansion in the ATL - the one you are in now is only valued at $5.6M, and you need to upgrade.
Then, you can use your trading money to buy your (SECOND) Ferrari, and the vacation home in Colorado.
Damn. I need to start me one of those hedge funds. As soon as I am profitable.
r.j. - shout out to "Lazy Sunday"?
Lazy Sunday
In my dreams. But real life is more like "Lazy Sunday" without the cupcakes :)
If a Ferrari represents one end of the car spectrum, my reality exists on the opposite side.
More like an AMC Pacer.
A vintage AMC Pacer - nicely tricked out - might be worth a pretty $$$.
How much $$$ is a non-tricked out, rusted through AMC Pacer worth?
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