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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Shield

posted by Tom C:

I am a day late in reminding everyone of one of X's favorite shows - Season 6 started last night. But I am pretty sure they repeat it through the week.

X says it is the best cop show on television! I think Trader Mike likes it too!

Charts later today!



Anonymous said...

Shield is a great show.

But "The Wire" is the best cop show on tv! Rent the dvd of the first four seasons. Best show on television

Kaizen said...

Actually, the new seaason started a few weeks ago, April 3rd. I suggest downloading the new episodes via BitTorrent to get caught up. It is a superbly well-written and well-acted show.

Trader-X said...

Turbowagon - wow, that makes me VERY late then. Oh well, better late than never.

Tom C.