In a strange twist of fate, word comes tonight that "China's cabinet agreed to let investors buy shares on credit and sell borrowed stock to help develop Asia's second-largest market after prices and trading volumes slumped, an official familiar with the plan said."
Here in the US, Zales was added to the "banned short-sale list".
Trader Mike called me and said he was fueling up his private jet and would pick me up so we could go to China and trade. When I asked him if we actually had to go to China, he told me not to worry about the details and just do as I am told.
True story.
China Approves Short Selling, Margin Lending to Develop Market
The Power of Persistence
6 days ago
We couldn't make this stuff up if we wanted to. The jet will be there to pick you up at 9 AM :-)
I am pretty sure the Government is destroying our markets, and it should come to completion in the next week.
In my 48 years, I have never seen anything like what is going on now. Especially the past 48-hours. This is absolute insanity.
BTW, Mike has a private jet? I need to start a blog! Trader Kevin has a good ring.
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