Now that the blog upgrade is complete, Trader-X enters a new phase (sounds dramatic!).
When I returned to blogging in 2008 (after an extended hiatus), it was because I enjoy writing and sharing as well as exchanging thoughts and ideas with readers. At the same time, I need to balance the time I spend blogging with trading and enjoying life. As such, I want to outline how I am going to approach blogging going forward. This, of course, is subject to change at any time!
My process of simplification is complete, and I am going to start posting trades based on the handful of setups I focus on. More about those setups in a few days. But I am going to attempt to schedule chart posts for three times a week - Tuesday, Thursday, and once over the weekend.
I don't post every trade I make, and I never will. I don't tell you how much money I make trading, and I never will. I am just posting trades that will hopefully spark you to think about your own trading and develop your own ideas. As I have always said, I am not trying to convince anyone to trade exactly like me. I am just a guy who is fortunate enough to have figured out a style that works and can make a comfortable living executing it. But if you try to do exactly what I do, you will most likely fail. Instead - take what I do, learn from it, and make it your own. If you develop your own methodology based on what you study (be that me,, or any of the high-quality traders I list under "Blogs I Read"), you are more likely to have lasting success.
Another thing I don't do is talk about the overall health and direction of the market. For me personally, it does not factor into my trading (I am not trying to convince you to do the same). There are some excellent blogs that analyze the bigger are a few I suggest:
> Trader Mike
> Trader Jamie
Regarding email - since my return to blogging, I have sucked at staying caught up and responding to email. Don't take it personally - I appreciate when you write, I just fall behind and don't respond in a timely manner. As such, I want to post some guidelines that should help.
1.) If you have a question about a trade, DON'T EMAIL IT. Post it in comments. I do read every comment, so if you post it I will read it and most likely respond. But posting in comments gives you the added benefit of having others offer input - I always see RJ, QQQBall, Z, Jim, and others offer advice, thoughts, and suggestions. And frankly, many of these people are smarter than me!!!
2.) If you are emailing me about your blog, and want me to look at if for inclusion on "Blogs I Read", put "Blogroll" in the subject line.
3.) If you are emailing me for the Excel Fibonacci spreadsheet, put "Fibonacci Spreadsheet" in the subject line.
Finally, I realize that I cannot make everyone I have to focus on what makes me happy. Therefore the things I post on the blog generally interest me, intrigue me, or just crack me up. I hope you feel the same - if you do, I will continue to try and provide content (I was going to say "quality" content, but that is questionable). If you don't feel the same, move on - at this point there are millions of blogs on the Internet, so don't waste your time on one you dislike.
Thanks to everyone who reads, comments, emails, and shares - you guys are the best. I hope at some point in time I have provided or will provide something of value to you, or just something that makes you smile!
Identifying Themes in the Stock Market
2 days ago
I think I can help you out here. You ARE posting QUALITY content. Looking forward to your posts regarding your set-ups. Some of us are really grateful you've decided to share this stuff.
Hey X, the upgrade looks good!
The random stewie quote will keep me coming back every day.
I agree on Stewie quotes!!!
The blog looks good and I look forward to seeing your simplified style.
Thanks for the mention in the post. I feel famous.
I third the random Family Guy quote. Great addition to the blog!
all your work is greatly appreciated X. did you reach a day in your life where you simplified or downsized the clutter we all gather in our lives? just curious thank you for the time you share.
The X-Man is back ... Bigger, Stronger, Faster ...
Glad to be a fan.
Glad to see you're back in action. Thanks so much for what you've done thus far. Your work has been a great help!!! Any chance you plan on adding back the 2005,2006,2007 stuff? It was very useful to be able to look back at your great picks. Thanks again,
Anon #1 - yes, I have. I consider myself a minamalist. Read the post that is linked to in this one...
Anon #2 - all of the posts are still there, just use the "Trader-X Archives" drop-down box on the right sidebar.
Thanks for the education . I learned a lot about Fibonacci applied to daytrading here. Do you have any thoughts on Fibonnaci levels for short term trading aka position trading . I mean what is the equivalent of Previous day's low/high to opening range low/high. Since there are generally no major gaps in inter-day trading , I guess Fibonacci levels or not that useful ?
Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
Tyro, I suggest you get the manual from is exactly what they address. I bought it in January and it is well worth it, imo.
Also, search X's blogs for posts by Tom C. Longer-term trades I think...
From Anon #2
Thanks for pointing that out (archive drop-down). I guess if I have trouble seeing that, I really need to work on them charts ;)
Thanks again!!
Quality is subjective. If we're reading your blog, we think it's quality. Like you said, there are far too many blogs out there to waste your time on a bad one--unless you're a masochist or something.
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