I made some updates to "WELCOME AND LINKS TO KEY POSTS". The link appears at the top of every page, and if you are new to the blog you should click it and read through the posts to find out:
> Details about my trading style
> "Comment's" etiquette
> Information on Fibonacci, Watchlists, and Candlesticks
> Details about Tom C.
> My views on President Obama and Andre Aggasi!
> and much, much more.
Some of the material is dated and a few things have changed, but there is still [semi-] valuable information in most of the posts.
Also, I am behind on answering questions in "Comments" of the past few posts. I will attempt to do that before tomorrow.
I think I am caught up; you need to be reading "Comments" because there is a lot of Q&A and discussion of setups and additional trades.
Enjoy your day off!
Identifying Themes in the Stock Market
5 days ago
That Valentine's Day picture is perfect.
DT, check out the latest link on my lower right sidebar "Things That Caught My Eye On The Internets".
Thanks for all the work you put into the site. It is much appreciated.
damn, nothing was moving today ;)
Dude, you have no idea how difficult it was to peel her stockings off once I got her all wasted...
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