And being a huge Yankee fan, all I can say about A-Rod is obviously he quit taking steroids during the post season. What with his terrible performance and all. Another reason for him to go away.

Charts and more charts. Plus sporadic thoughts on the stock market, trading, politics, entertainment, sports, and everything else.
Funny, I just posted that weird David Letterman video and noticed you had it on your Delicious.
It's like we share a brain. The difference is you make money in the stock market.
"This too shall pass..."
You will end up the year big positive.
Hey - did you see my other link that referenced your name?
ARod is a cheater, just like most of 'em.
Cool blog. Glad I just found it.
Hi X, I've learned a lot from your site for a long time, thanks for sharing your insights and techniques. They have helped to better my trading, of course I still have a lot more to improve. I'm curious to know if you or your readers participate in any chat rooms? I would be greatly interested in joining. If no such room exists, I could create one if people are interested, so all us pupils of the Trader X method can share setups and help each other in real time.
Hey X, I am liking those 10-minute charts. A lot less whipsaws.
No chat rooms for me - I have a hard enough time making myself focus without outside distractions. The action happens fast and I have to direct all my attention to charts in the first 90-minutes especially.
If you participate in a chat room, I suggest it be for information exchange only. IE, avoid rooms where people are making calls. Ultimately you want to develop your own style and methodology so don't let someone else try to force trades on you.
Thanks for reading!
I wonder if there is another sport out there as corrupt as baseball. Even in the early 1900's people were cheating in baseball. Players on the White Sox got banned from the game for throwing the world series.
This sport is in a world of hurt right now while Football and Basketball are as popular as ever.
Here is a great article showing the past and present of baseball and steroids
Good Luck!
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