Leave a comment with the blogs or sites you read, and over the next week I will compile a list and follow-up with a comprehensive post.

Charts and more charts. Plus sporadic thoughts on the stock market, trading, politics, entertainment, sports, and everything else.
Trader Jamie!
Thanks for sharing. Learned a lot about trading and good karma.
I actually spend most of my time on sites like seekingalpha and wanted to expand my reader list to include more blogs similar to mine.
I'll definately check the previously mentioned ones above.
Good idea to update the List. Noticed the same thing. Pre market most ups/dn sites:
busystock.com "premkt"
cnnmoney.com "premkt"
Much easier for me to have a premkt WL rather than the open. Oops APKT falling falling from the premkt "up" WL. Thanks so much!
I would like to get turned on to some X and Jamie type blogs. I am not a big fan of seekingalpha, and hope some people can point out some smaller, quality sites.
What I find strange is of the progeny of trader X blog sites that have gone down, what ever happened to the authors. How come, even if they lost the bug for blogging, why don't they ever post comments on sites like trader X ? For example, the girl who posted nude pictures along with charts. Sure, she decided to stop her blog but how come she doesn't post any comments on sites like these because obviously she liked to share insights from her trading or examples of good trades, why wouldn't she post in the comments section on sites like these? I can think of three other former blogs that have gone down and the people seem to be missing. I always wonder what happened to these people. Did they lose money and walk away completely? I have to question whether trader x's style of trading is really repeatable because it seems that of the people who blog about similar trading, they seem to go away. Does this mean that only trader x knows how to trade like trader X and nobody else can do it?
Hi Tom T., I'm not sure your comments are fair. First, I don't know the "progeny of blog sites" - I know Victoria, who you mention. And Tom C. - Tom tried his own blog, decided it was too much overhead, but still comments here periodically and makes posts periodically. I can't speak to Victoria, as the last contact I had with her was via email in 2010. But, I don't think being a successful trader necessitates needing to blog or comment on a blog. Blogging can be rewarding, but more often than not it is a pain in the ass. There are some great people out there, but they are often dwarfed by the (for lack of a better word) assholes who have nothing better to do than send emails and post comments that are negative and destructive. It causes one to re-evaluate on a regular basis why you might choose to spend time and effort posting, maintaining, and managing a site. Quite often, after you weigh the positives and negatives, you determine that it is just not worth the hassle.
Next, you talk about my style. From the beginning I have been clear that people should not try to imitate me. Rather, they should take what I do and develop their own style. My style is the result of over 15 years of work - if you simply read this blog and try to do what I do, you will fail. But, if you study the 100s (1000s?) of charts, the analysis, and the comments, I think you will find nuggets that you can use to create your own strategy. For me, my strategy is based on things I learned from Nison, Farley, TRADEthemove.com, Weinstein, Gary B. Smith, and many others. I cobbled together what I use now (which is constantly refined and continues to evolve, but is based on a set of core principles), and I own it. It is mine. In the end, everyone has to do the same. There are no shortcuts.
Thanks for taking the time to comment.
If there's a "LIKE" button that I can hit under your comment, Trader-X, I'd hit it a dozen times. :-)
Hello Tom,
I'm new to trading (especially if compared to X's 15 years of experience) as to blogging.
i find this blog very useful , and not only for trading...
when i read something on the net, not only that i think if it is interesting/worth something or not, i also think about the person behind those words, and sometimes i feel it really helps me to organize my thoughts.
Maybe you'll find it useful
have a nice weekend
Hey now, give credit to some long-time readers. I have been commenting on this blog for five years!
Jules, I was thinking your blog was private. Has it always been public?
tom t., it really is unfair to trader x that you ask why others using same style as trader x why they stop trading. I can imagine blogging can be a pain, and whatever post trader x does should be appreciated.
hi jules, i look at your blog and i dont see any similarity to trader x. am I wrong? I know you trade cl and have done well, ooh happy new year!
hi trader x, Thanks for your blog and postings. well, pettite retire, amazing how long they been productive. hope the other 3 retire in yankee uniform. i have been meaning to ask, do you do any swing trade, and if you do, could you post one sometime, thanks,
(And my own space on the web:
I would have to aqree with x's comment on style and the development of your own. Over the past four years I have been all over the net and especially the blogs in order to learn how to trade and refine "my" style. Some methods speak to me, others don't. I have found that blogs such as trader x, trader mike, afraid to trade and several others to be especially helpful in learning. I took a little from each and melded it into my own and it seems to work for me. Studying countless charts also helps. I always appreciated the bloggers who were willing to put their style out there and educate others.
Thanks X.
i think its hard to blog...
i really think Trader X did a good job to keep this blog for so long. blogging is not really suitable for everyone...
he actually didn't make anything out of blogging but just to share his ideas to readers...
about the trading style of so call "Trader X's style"...
it actually different from person to person because we each have different views of the market and how much risk we can tolerate, and that is why there are many different styles of trading out there. traders can have constancy of winning over and over. we have to remember, we are making money out of people's psychology that is why some traders will tell you "its an art" cuz there is no right or wrong answer...and can't be explained sometimes...
for example, some people might buy an art work for millions of dollars but to me its worthless @.@....
trading its not easy, and there will be a lot of factors that affect your decision making...
Hi Terry,
the blog that you see has always been public. I keep another private blog but it's not updated as often as I wish to. Blogging seems to get harder the longer I trade. I guess it's the realization that trading is really more arts than science that's causing me to think twice before I write...I have a lot of respect for Trader-X's tenacity and his ability to remain focused and disciplined in his trading. I, on the other hand, have not been able to get a good grasp of my edge, and coz of that, I'd rather say as little as possible.
With influence from AHG, DBPhoenix, and your good self Trader-X
Trader X - sorry about the misinterpretation my comments created. I chose the wrong words. Let me explain - I have been following for a few years and I learned about the other bloggers from your own website - they commented and you also responded to them and they had blogs, some of which you highlighted, linked to or mentioned. Now they are gone. I assumed you may have kept in touch. They traded gaps and I understand that they are not cookie cutters of you so I should not have implied that - I was just simply curious about their fate. I realize blogging and trading are separate things but that does not mean they would all disappear too from commenting on other blogs. Perhaps they did and I have not noticed - I just wondered what happened to Estotastica, Victoria, oonr7 and Anarco and Am I Bald, etc. I assumed they tried to do what you did and failed - maybe that is incorrect. I now realize I should have been more artful and not say they were emulating "your style" because even from my own experience we have to act on our own perceptions of what is unfolding and apply our own understandings so we each trade differently. The bottom line is I did not mean to be unfair or insult anybody - I just wondered what happened to this group of people. Unfortunately, from the comments, I see we do not have any new replacements and I wonder if that is a reflection of how difficult it is to day trade - I was also hoping my comments would spark some discussion about the state of trading gaps, etc. I thank you for sticking around and as I have stated in the past I enjoy your blog and hopefully we see more bloggers get added to your roll soon.
Tom T, no offense taken. I was looking for a healthy debate! I will respond when I am back at my computer tomorrow.
Tom T., no issues from me. Out of the bloggers you named the only one I heard from somewhat consistently was Victoria, and the last communication was in 2010. I never communicated with the others outside of blog comments. I do think Am I Bald has commented on here in the recent past, but I am not sure which post it was under.
The only person (that blog readers might be familiar with) that I talk to every day or two is Tom C. Tom has my personal email address and phone number, and we have been collaborating for years. Everyone else only has the X email address, and to be honest there are thousands of unread messages that have accumulated over the past few years, so I can't speak to who may or may not have tried to get in touch. But commenting on the blog is the only sure-fire way I will read anyone's message. I have given up on the email address (sorry everyone...I may try to work through it in the Spring).
Regarding your other comment we are in full agreement - day trading is difficult. Yet it is at the same time simple, which is why so many come and go. You can get lost in the complexities and never find your groove, in which case you will only whittle away your hard-earned money. But, if you can be disciplined, consistent, and keep it relatively simple, it can be done.
Thanks for the comments. I have always tried to highlight other blogs and sites of interest - both trading and non-trading related. They come and go, and will continue to come and go as the owners change their priorities. Under "non-trading" blogs that I highlight, there are many that were around in 2008-2010 but gone today. In fact, the "coming and going" is similar to that of the trading blogs.
Of course I'd like to see my blog www.zentrader.ca on your blog roll, but a few of my other fav blogs are:
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